Let Me Help You Use Technology Better in the Classroom
Hi, I'm Maytal! I'm here to make it easier for teachers like you to equip your students with the right skills for the 21st century!
We're going through a period of disruption in education. From tips and tricks that make our jobs easier, to actually teaching our students about coding, augmented reality and robotics, these changes are exciting, but can also feel overwhelming.
My goal is to show you through my own experiments how to use technology to help your students become more engaged and self-motivated. In the process, I hope to save you some time as well!
Game Design with Scratch
I've developed a curriculum teaching kids coding one game at a time. The unique method I use to teach, creates more engagement in the classroom and really motivates kids from within. It is also ready to use and requires minimum prep time even by teachers with little to no coding experience!
I believe the only way to build a good product is to listen to the people who are using it! I want to hear your stories and get your feedback. I want to know how else I can help you. I want your experience to be our experience, together. That is how we all learn and grow together, including me.
Please connect with us, and join the discussion...